Founders Forum

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the first Angels Forum, a collaborative initiative in partnership with Oscar Hartmann's Angel Accumulator and Founders Forum!

On June 14th, a significant gathering of angels came together to celebrate their experiences in the investment landscape and exchange valuable insights on the key attributes defining a successful angel investor. The event covered diverse topics, from computational biology, climate tech, and the impacts of AI, LLMs, and Chat GPT, to the lifestyle of angel investors and their sense of isolation.

Beyond its focus on investment trends, the Angels Forum acknowledges the loneliness often experienced by angel investors and aims to create a platform that fosters connections among like-minded angels and recognizes their unwavering commitment. As part of this initiative, Oscar Hartmann introduced the Angels Hall of Fame to honor the top five angel investors who have made significant contributions to backing unicorn companies, including Caterina Fake (Yes VC), David Rowan (Voyagers), Sherry Coutu CBE (Workfinder), Ilkka Paananen (Supercell), and Chris Adelsbach (Outrun Ventures).

The feedback from attending angels has been overwhelmingly positive, with many expressing that the Angels Forum provided a crucial space for connection, learning, and inspiration. As the investment landscape evolves and new challenges emerge, events like the Angels Forum will continue to play an instrumental role in fostering a supportive community that drives innovation and entrepreneurial growth.

So, get ready for more angels joining forces, sparking innovation, and propelling the entrepreneurial world to new heights!

26-28, rue Edward Steichen
L-2540 Luxembourg